

After purchasing this course, a link will automatically be sent to your email and you can begin immediately. This course is designed to allow a New Jersey Commercial Applicator to earn 3 Recertification Credits in Category 7B: TERMITES AND WOOD DESTROYING PESTS and 1 Credit in CORE.

Topics covered include Insecticide with two modes of action, measuring 1000 sq ft (Video), termiticides with fipronil, and backpack sprayer care and maintenance. 

NOTE: The NJDEP allows you to take up to 25% of your recertification credits in each category in a Distance Learning format EXCEPT.

This course is approved by the NJDEP as a recertification course. This course is online. All that is required is an internet connection and an email address. True/False quizzes are given at the end of each section to enhance the student’s learning. This course is narrated and self-paced, with high quality images of insect and animal species as well as equipment.

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