
SKU: AUT2SAFE2 Category:


After purchasing this course, a link will automatically be sent to your email and you can start right now. This course will earn Commercial Applicators, Non-Commercial Applicators, and Private Applicators 2 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) towards the SAFETY subject area of their recertification. As per the UDAF policy, no more than 12 CEUs may be obtained online in any one recertification cycle.

Topics covered include: Toxicity of Pesticides, Ecological and Environmental Concerns, Safety Precautions with Pesticides, Personal Protection for the Applicator.

This course is online and approved by the Utah Department of Agriculture Plant Industry Division as a recertification course. All that is required is an internet connection and an email address. Quizzes are given at the end of each section to enhance the student’s learning. This course is narrated and self-paced, with high quality images of insect and animal species as well as equipment. 

Students will be able to print their certificate after sending their completion e-mail at the end of the course. Students will be able to print their certificates up until December 31st. If you need a certificate for courses taken in a previous cycle please call or e-mail us. If we do not receive the completion e-mail after course completion your credits will not be reported to the state.

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