Once you have purchased this course a link will be automatically sent to your email and you can start immediately. This course is designed to allow Applicators in Washington State to earn 2 General Recertification Credits. This course has been designed in a Distance Learning format and is approved by The Washington State Department of Agriculture as a recertification course.
This course is approved for the following licenses: Commercial Applicator, Commercial Operator, Commercial Pest Control Consultant, Dealer Manager, Demonstration & Research Applicator, Private Applicator, Private Commercial Applicator, Public Operator, Public Pest Control Consultant, Structural Pest Inspector, Rancher Private Applicator.
This course covers the following materials: Bark Beetles, Terminal, Root and Shoot-Infesting pests, cone and seed feeders and defoliators, sucking insects, vertebrate pests, stress factors and declines, root and butt rots and wood decay, cankers, foliage diseases, and vascular wilts, weeds in forest pest control.
NOTE: As per the WSDA, you cannot repeat a Distance Learning course in a recertification cycle. Once you begin a course, you must complete that course within the same calendar year. If you are not sure if you have taken this course, please call PESTED and we will check your account history. True/False quizzes are given at the end of each section to enhance the student’s learning. This course is narrated and self-paced.
Students will be able to print their certificate after completing their course. If you need a certificate for courses taken in a previous cycle please call or e-mail us.