
SKU: ANJ4133 Category:


After purchasing this course, a link will automatically be sent to your email and you can begin immediately. This course is designed to allow a New Jersey Commercial Applicator to earn 4 Recertification Credits in Category 13: IPM IN SCHOOLS, as well as 2 Recertification Credits in CORE as well as 1 Recertification Credit in Category 7A: General and Household, Category 8A: General Public Health, and Category 3B: Turf. This course is approved by the NJDEP as a recertification course. 

This course covers the following materials:

IPM FOR RODENTS IN SCHOOLS – This chapter pertains to cleaning up rodent droppings and urine, products to use and proper cleaning materials and safety equipment. How to remove dead rodents and nests in buildings and vehicles. Disposal of cleaning materials and droppings.

OVERVIEW OF PESTICIDES, FORMULATIONS AND MODE OF ACTION FOR SCHOOL APPLICATORS – This chapter covers insecticide active and inert ingredients, common formulations, the label, SDS sheets, LD50s, Modes of action, common chemical classes, insect growth regulators, chitin synthesis inhibitors, borates, and fumigants.

INSECT CONTROL ON SCHOOL TURF – This chapter covers insect identification, biology and IPM management options. Insects covered are ants, chinch bugs, sod webworms, white grubs, and yellow jackets with both chemical and non-chemical control methods.

NOTE: The NJDEP allows you to take up to 25% of your recertification credits in each category in a Distance Learning format.

This course is online. All that is required is an internet connection and an email address. True/False quizzes are given at the end of each section to enhance the student’s learning. This course is narrated and self-paced, with high quality images of insect and animal species as well as equipment.

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