
SKU: A3ASTUDY Category:


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This on-line course is designed to help potential applicators learn material related to CORE and ORNAMENTAL/SHADE TREES & TURF topics. It is self-paced, and narrated with high quality images of insects, animal species, and equipment. It is approximately 30 hours long, and is a self-paced tool to prepare students for their states certification exams. This is not an eligibility or recertification course. You will not receive any credits for this course. Quizzes are given to enhance the student’s learning. Chapters can be reviewed for up to 6 months, after which time the course will expire. This course does not cover specific state regulations. We suggest you also read your states pesticide manuals.

The CORE Sections of this course cover the following materials: Federal Pesticide Laws, Toxicity, Residue, Tolerance, Ecological and Environmental Concerns, Safety Precautions, PPE, Symptoms of Poisoning, First Aid, IPM, Pests, Resistance, Types of Pesticides, The Label, WPS, Formulations, Filling and Mixing, Calculations, Equipment, Calibration, Health Risks, Site Security, Protecting Workers With Repellants, Labels, Weather-Wise Application, Disposal, Storage, Recordkeeping and Liability, Crop Hazards, Heat Stress, Protecting Water, WDO/Insect Label Review, EPA Glossary, and Terminology.

The ORNAMENTAL/SHADE TREES & TURF section covers the following materials: Worker Protection Standard, Pesticide Precautions, Integrated Pest Management, Injury To Plants, Insects and Arthropods, Diseases, Weeds, Equipment, Vertebrate Pests, Label review, Fall and Spring Diseases, Summertime Diseases, Turf Insects, and Weeds.

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