


This course is designed to allow utility specialists to earn credits in the following categories: 36 CEUs in ISA Certified Arborist (A), Utility Specialist (U), Climber Specialist (T), Urban Forest Professional (M), Aerial Lift Specialist (L) as well as 18 CEUs in BCMA Practice (Bp) 18 CEUs and BCMA Management (Bm).

Topics covered include: What Is Plant Disease, Anthracnose, Blight, Blotch, Bronzing And Browse Damage, Cankers, Chlorosis, Conks, and Cracking, Damping Off, Decline, Defoliation And Deformity, Dieback, Distortion, Epinasty, Flagging And Fruiting Body, Gall, Girdle, Gummosis, Honeydew, and Hypha, Inoculum, Larva, Leaf Spots And Lesion, Mildew, Mining, Mosaic, and Mummy, Necrosis, Needle Cast, Ooze, and Pustule, Resinosis, Ringspot, Rolling, and Rot, Rugosity, Russett, Rust, Scab, and Sclerotium, Scorch, Shot Hole, Skeletonization and Spore, Sooty Mold, Stippling, Stunting and Tatters, Vascular Discoloration, Vein Banding, Water Soaking, Webbing, Wilt, and Witches’ Boom, Laboratory testing And Plant Pathology, Maples, Ashes, Oaks, Cherries, Birches, American Beech, Hickories, Poplars and Aspen, Musclewood and Hophornbeam, Tulip or Yellow Poplar & Basswood, Dogwood, Hemlock, Balsam Fir and Pine, Spruces, Red Cedar, White Cedar and American Tamarack or Larch, Introduction to CU-Structural Soil, How To Use CU-Structural Soil, CU Structural Soil and Turf, Resources.

This course has been designed in a Distance Learning format and approved by the ISA Credentialing Staff for CEUs. NOTE: You cannot repeat a Distance Learning course in a recertification cycle but you may retake the course once you are in a new recertification cycle. If you are not sure if you have taken this course in your current cycle, please call PESTED and we will check your account history. This course is online. All that is required is an internet connection and an email address. Quizzes are given at the end of each section to enhance the student’s learning. All quizzes and the final exam must be taken and passed with a score of 80% or better. This course is self-paced with high quality images. Online courses are for individual use only.

The student’s course completion information will be sent on an electronic roster to the ISA after we receive their completion e-mail. If we do not receive the completion e-mail after course completion your credits will not be reported to the ISA. NOTE: You must complete these courses within 25 days of starting the course. This is because the ISA requires us to report your credits on an electronic roster within 30 days of you starting the course and it usually takes us 1-2 business days to get your information on the roster.

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